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Case 06 (Glore Psychiatric hospital)

Date of investigation:
Location: St Joseph MO
Location type: Hospital
Occupants: N/A
Time at residence: N/A
Time of investigation: 9PM - Midnight

  Justin Agin - Operations
  Amy Wall - Case Manager
  Bekki Agnitsch - Investigator
  Christina Cook-Grace – Investigator
  Tom Grace – Tech support
Cathy Cook - Investigator in training

and a special thanks to our guest investigator
 Alicia Baird

SSGPI contacted the Glore Psychiatric museum because of its incredible
history. Opened November 9, 1874 it was originally called State Lunatic
Asylum #2 then later changed to State hospital #2, in1899 it was again
changed to St. Joseph State Hospital. The early part of the 1950s saw the
facility had grown to nearly 3,000 beds and housed some of the most
criminally insane individuals in the state, but at the same time those
that could be rehabilitated, and others who were merely depressed. Then
later as a hospital it included doctor offices, offices for dentist,
ophthalmologist, x-ray lab, occupational therapy, surgery, and even a
Now housing full sized replicas of treatment devices used in the 16th-18th
centuries as well as information as to how the devices were used and
changed over time to treat the mentally ill.
This massive building was unlike anything that any of our team has ever
seen. The depiction of how the patients were treated was unbelievable and
by many I am sure considered torture more than treatment.
Our investigation is at this time still ongoing. Evidence collected will
be displayed at a later time as it becomes available. At this time we are
still reviewing evidence and are unable to give a precise explanation to
whether or not we feel there is sufficient evidence or not of this
location to determine if paranormal activity is present.

Special thanks to the Glore Psychiatric Museum for this opportunity.
SSGPI highly recommends that everyone visit this location as it is one that
will provide an experience like no other.
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