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Occam's Razor: The principle that the simpler the explanation of events the more probable.
Omen: A sign that foretells events.
Orb - A photographed anomaly that, in theory, represents an ongoing 'spirit' of a deceased person. It appears as a ball of light and may occasionally seem to be moving. There are many reasonable envirnmental circumstances that can cause misidentification shush as dust, rain, snow, dirty lens, insects, reflection, lens flare etc. There has not been any substantial proof that the balls of light are associated with 'ghosts' or anything paranormal and remains a highly controversial subject.
Other Side: Term used to describe the spirit world.
Ouija Board: A board pre-printed with letters, numerals, and words used by mediums to receive spirit communications. Usually a planchatte (palm-sized triangular platform) is employed to spell out words or point out numbers or letters. A game version of the Ouija board was mass-marketed as OUIJA by Parker Brothers in 1966 and is currently distributed by Hasbro.
Out-of-Body Experience: An experience, either spontaneous or induced, in which one’s center of consciousness seems to be in a location outside of one’s physical body; there are two types of OBE experiences, the first involving the person believing themselves to possess a duplicate body, occasionally attached to the physical body via a “sliver” cord, and the second involving the person feeling entirely bodiless; in either case, many OBEs are characterized by the individual looking down upon their inert, physical body, seeing and hearing people gathered around their physical form and perceiving objects and events normally outside the range of physical senses.